Jan van Koningsveld

Jan was born on July 14, 1950. He studied Law at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He took his Dutch law degree in 1996. He subsequently took the following postgraduate courses: Customs Law at Leiden University (2000) and fiscal-criminal law at Amsterdam University (2001). Currently, he is finalizing a PhD with the working title ‘Nature and extent of the misuse of offshore companies by Dutch residents’ at the University of Tilburg.

Jan van Koningsveld has over 25 years experience in financial investigation and specializes in the use and abuse of (foreign) legal entities.

From 1973-1986 he worked with the Dutch customs and tax authorities. From 1986 until early 2011 he worked for the Fiscal Information and Investigation Department (FIOD), the investigation department of the Dutch Tax Department. While working there, he was involved in preparing and conducting criminal investigations into all sorts of financial and economic fraud such as: tax fraud, investment fraud, corruption, bankruptcy and the laundering of money obtained from crimes.

On behalf of the Dutch delegation he was researcher and co-author of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) report “Misuse of corporate vehicles” (2006).

In 2010 he was working as a part-time consultant for the World Bank in Washington DC to investigate misuse of corporate vehicles in grand corruption cases. This investigation resulted in the publication of the rapport “The puppet masters” (2011).

On behalf of the Dutch government Jan was involved with the execution of laws and regulations about Tax Information & Exchange Agreements (TIEA’s) with tax havens.

The special thing about him is the fact that he combines current practical experience with legal and academic knowledge. In 2011 he founded the Offshore Kennis Centrum (www.offshorekenniscentrum.nl), of which he is now the Director.